Category: Blog

Islands as Laboratories for Sustainability (ISLAs) Summer School 2024

We are excited and happy to share some highlights from the Islands as Laboratories for Sustainability (ISLAs) Summer/Winter School 2024. ISLAs is a yearly summer school initiative by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme ISLANDS and the University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences.


Last week, three ISLANDS students attended the finale of CAPonLITTER, an Interreg Europe project in partnership with ULPGC’s ECO AQUA institute, Travel Without Plastic, Cabildo Fuerteventura, and Fuerteventura Patronato del Turismo.  At the event, hotel and resort managers presented their progress, pitfalls, and plans for continuing the reduction of plastic waste in their daily operations.…
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Islands as Laboratories for Sustainability (ISLAs) Summer/Winter School

Methodologically and scientifically, islands serve as ideal ‘laboratories’ for examining the intricate interplay of environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Moreover, their often geographically isolated nature magnifies the importance of factors contributing to both vulnerability and resilience. The ISLAs Summer/Winter School series combines different perspectives and approaches to these complex processes of sustainability on islands. The…
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1st ISLANDS Conference, September 2023

Last month, the 1st ISLANDS Conference was held at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at University of Groningen, bringing together all ISLANDS consortium universities, University of Groningen, University of the Aegean, University of Iceland and Universidad of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.  Over two days our students presented their inspiring research, shared innovative ideas and…
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Dispatches from Bonaire

Four ISLANDS students ventured out to the Dutch Caribbean island of Bonaire to analyse the potential for “Community-Based Tourism”.

Life as an Islands-Student

Meet Sissal, one of the students who joined the Islands and Sustainability track of the Master in Spatial Sciences at RUG on which the new ISLANDS MSc is built upon.