The ISLANDS programme spans two years, with four semesters totaling 120 EC. Each semester accounts for 30 EC. The program, following the University of Groningen’s Research Master course structure, is taught in English and structured into four half-semesters/blocks.

The ISLANDS programme offers a double degree. Successful completion grants students a Research Master degree in Spatial Sciences (Islands and Sustainability track) from the University of Groningen (120 EC) and a degree from the island-based partner university where they completed their mobility periods. The University of Groningen issues a certificate recognizing the completion of the double degree based on two constituent single degree programs.
In the first year, you are at the University of Groningen for the first semester, and the second semester takes place at an island-based partner university. In the second year, the first semester is back at the University of Groningen, and the fourth semester concludes the programme at the same island-based partner university. Within the run of the two year ISLANDS programme, you have to take at least 15 EC of Methodological courses. Depending on the islands-based partner and the size of the Research Internship (10 or 15 EC), you have to take up to 25 EC of Thematic Courses next to the mandatory Islands, Insularity and Islanders course.
You can find and overview of the programme structure below. For details about the programme structure and courses, refer to the individual university pages. See the Ocasys course catalog for the courses you can take in the semesters at the RUG. Please refer to the individual university pages for the courses offered in the second semester of the first year.
Course Structure Year 1

Course Structure Year 2